Grupo Rotoplas, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV: AGUA*) (“Rotoplas” or “The Company”), the leading provider of water-solutions in the Americas, announces that yesterday BTG Pactual released the initiation of coverage of Grupo Rotoplas which highlights:
1. The level of ROIC is sustainable given its strong brands, technological advantages, quality and scale of the company.
2. Rotoplas has one of the most complete ESG strategies and profiles among listed companies in Mexico.
3. Growth potential associated with:
a. current solutions across all regions;
b. exposure to the growing water management segment in the US;
c. attractive expansion of services in Mexico;
d. growth in new product categories outside Mexico.
BTG Pactual’s coverage initiation report highlights Grupo Rotoplas’ story as a trifecta of growth, value creation and focus on sustainability.
Miranda Newswire – Full Press Release: Download PDF
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Mariana Fernández
María Fernanda Escobar