Rotoplas provides access to over 1 million litres of water during the pandemic

Grupo Rotoplas S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV: AGUA) (“Rotoplas” or “the Company”), the leading water solutions company in the Americas, communicates some of the measures it has taken as of May to support its stakeholders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rotoplas has aligned its business strategy in order to maximize its contribution to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Its contribution during the health emergency has therefore been designed in accordande with SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, and with SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.


Contribution to SGD 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation 

In order to help tackle the pandemic, the Company has identified purification and access to drinking water needs in the various regions in which it operates, seeking both collective and individual ways to address the issue. To that end, Rotoplas has donated products and services to purify over 3 million litres of water annually in hospitals, has provided the capacity to store more than 1 million litres in vulnerable communities, and has supplied over 1,000 hand washing stations that have been situated at strategic points, according to the population size of different countries in Latin America.

Purification and sanitation:
Bebbia services in hospitals for one year 2,701,000 L 
Water purifiers for hospitals 480,000 L
450 L Water Tanks12,150 L
600 L Water Tanks71,000 L
750 L Water Tanks148,500 L
1,100 L Water Tanks73,700 L
5,000 L Cisterns459,000 L
Other Capacities291,550 L
Integrated solutions:
1,139 hand washing stations3528,150 L 
IoT sensors for level measurement         –

1 Annual purification capacity.

2 Maximum water storage volume. 

3 Rotoplas, in collaboration with NGOs and other organizations, donated the storage components and accessories for the hand washing stations.


In the following video –Rotoplas’ support during the COVID-19 pandemic– you will find a summary of the aforementioned efforts (only available in Spanish): Watch Here


Contribution to SDG 9 – industry, innovation and infrastructure.

Hand in hand with its strategic allies, Rotoplas has worked on the release of the prototype and user manuals for handwashing stations, turning them into a collaborative innovation project in which any interested person can access these documents and thus promote hygiene in public spaces.

In addition, for the second consecutive year, the Company has been recognized as one of the top 3 ESG issuers in Latin America within the small cap category – capital goods category by Institutional Investors.

Rotoplas’ operating status and financial position have remained unchanged since the last statement released on May 21st. The Company continues to operate in accordance with the regulation established by local authorities in each country and in line with the World Health Organization’s health and safety protocols.


Miranda Newswire – Full Press Release: Download PDF


Investor Relations Contact Details

Mariana Fernández

Tel: +52 (55) 5201 5000 Ext. 50163

María Fernanda Escobar 

Tel: +52 (55) 5201 5000 Ext. 50341

About the Company
Grupo Rotoplas S.A.B. de C.V. is America’s leading provider of water solutions, including products and services for storing, piping, improving, treating and recycling water. With 40 years’ experience in the industry and 19 plants throughout the Americas, Rotoplas is present in 14 countries and has a portfolio that includes water services and 27 product lines. Grupo Rotoplas has been listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) under the ticker “AGUA” since December 10, 2014.

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